Sunday, October 18, 2009

Letters My Mother Never Read pgs (1- 30)

By: Jerri Diane Sueck

This book is about a girl named Jerri who has a cleft palate. She has twin brothers Tyler and Trevor. She also has a brother named Billy and a step sister Alice. Her biological father was very abusive to them. Jerri's mother eventually remarried a man in the Air Force. They move to Seymour Alabama where her mother's family lives.
Jerri's mother dies at the trailer from a gas explosion. Jerri doesn't want to beleive it and thinks she is going to come back. Jerri and her brothers will now be living with grandma and granpa Resuba in Pennsylvania. Jerri starts to write letters to her mother. Grandma Resuba is very mean to Jerri and her brothers. She is constantly telling Jerri that she is ugly. They are not allowed to talk in the house and they have to stay in the coal cellar. Daddy is never around, he spends his time at the Air Force base. They also live with Uncle Resuba who is also mean. The police are at their house because Billy told them how they are being treated. But the police do nothing about it.

Grandma and Daddy argue about what to do with the children. Grandma Resuba says that no one will want Jerri because of the way she looks. Jerri wants to go to Indiana where her mothers family lives but doesn't know their phone numbers. On Christmas Eve Daddy takes the children to an Orphanage and tells them that no one wants them and that he cannot keep them. This is now their new home.

How do you think Jerri felt to be unwanted and just dropped off at an orphanage?

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have one question. How does Grandmas Resuba's treatment affect Jerri's body-image and gender identity?
